Physiotherapy helps restore movement and function when someone is affected by injury, illness, or disability. It can also help to reduce your risk of injury or illness in the future. It is not only treatment but also a preventative therapy.
Musculoskeletal (MSK) Physiotherapy- type of physiotherapy involves the assessment and treatment of individuals with injury or conditions which affect bones, joints, muscles, tendons, ligaments, and nerves
What to expect?
You will be asked medical questions and history, followed by a thorough assessment. Diagnosis will be explained using simple language. Treatment options will be offered and discussed with you. Depending on your goals we will then design your treatment/rehabilitation plans and set goals for you to return to normal function.
We offer :
Specialist assessments with diagnostic suggestions if and when necessary.
Gym facilities to discuss your daily and weekly rehabilitation goals.
Simple and straightforward education, reassurance, advice, and management discussions.
Most importantly - We offer you your choice
MSK Physiotherapy involves wide array of treatments
Manual Therapy
Joint and soft tissue manipulation is effective in conjunction with targeted rehabilitation and activity modification.
Improves joint stiffness, muscle tightness and soft tissue tightness. These techniques increase blood supply to the areas resulting in pain relief. When combined with rehabilitation exercises improves mobility and enables return to normal daily function.
​Sports Therapy
Sports therapy techniques improve, reduce, prevent, and treat conditions or injuries to restore normal sports, fitness, and occupational function.
Techniques used are soft tissue, deep tissue interventions to alleviate stiffness and pains
Specialised rehabilitation protocols are structured around your functional requirements
Goal setting is emphasised for return to optimal function for sports, work, and normal daily life activities.
conditions we treat
Cervical spondylosis/arthritis
Cervicogenic headache- tension type headache
Jaw pain/temporomandibular joint pains
Cervical radiculopathy – nerve related pains in neck and arm
Chronic neck pain
Whiplash injuries
Post-operative rehabilitation
Tennis elbow
Golfers elbow
Biceps strain /ruptures
Traumatic injuries
Post-operative rehabilitation
Upper back pain
Traumatic injuries
Mid back pain
Lower back pain
Sciatica - Nerve related pains in back & leg
Muscular injuries
Chronic pain
Spinal stenosis
Post-operative rehabilitation
Knee & Leg
Ligament injuries- ACL PCL MCL LCL
Meniscus injuries
Muscle strains and sprains
Kneecap conditions- patellofemoral pain syndrome, dislocations, bursitis
Shin splints /MTSS
Rotator cuff pain- tendon issues
Shoulder joint pain- arthritis, ligament issues,
Frozen shoulder
Shoulder dislocations
Shoulder traumatic injuries
Post-operative rehabilitation
Wrist & Hand
Trigger finger/thumb
Traumatic injuries
Ligament and tendon injuries
Post-operative rehabilitation
Repetitive strain injuries
Wrist, hand, and thumb pain
Carpal tunnel syndrome
De quervain’s tenosynovitis
Muscle injuries- hip flexor, groin/adductor, hamstring,
Traumatic injuries/ fractures
Hip sprains and strains
Post-operative rehabilitation
Impingement syndrome
Foot & Ankle
Achilles tendinopathy
Plantar fasciopathy
Traumatic injuries
Post-operative rehabilitation
Ligament injuries/ ankle sprains