😴Sleep is important for repair and recovery of human body.
😴On an average an adult needs between 7 and 9 hours.
😴Sleep consists of REM (light) and Non REM (deep sleep)distributed in 4-5 cycles/ phases.

🤔What happens if we are sleep deprived ❓
👉🏼 Poor metabolism
👉🏼 Weight gain
👉🏼Increase cortisol levels (stress hormone)
👉🏼Low libido , decreased testosterone
👉🏼 Increase in blood pressure
👉🏼 Increase in risk of diabetes
👉🏼Restless leg syndrome
👉🏼Increase incidence of mental health issues (depression , anxiety )
👉🏼Poor social functioning
👉🏼Muscle weakness , fatigue, poor stamina
👉🏼 Reduced pain tolerance
👉🏼Poor healing / recovery

🤔What can we do to improve our sleep❓
🌞 Exposure to daylight improves sleep quality
🚶♀️Regular exercise improves sleep deep sleep
🛌 Good Bedtime routine
👉🏼No screen for 30-60 minutes before bedtime- you can use smart phones and apps
👉🏼 Mindfulness techniques -listen to calming songs, stories , reading books , journaling
👉🏼Good sleep environment- Dim lights, calming scents , comfortable mattress and pillows , block out noises
👉🏼No or cut down on 🚬, 🍺, ☕️
If you are struggling with insomnia trial following resources as well acupuncture to improve your sleep health or contact your GP
#sleep #sleephygiene #sleepdeprivation #insomnia #exercise #healthyeating #physicalwellness #mentalwellness